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Education, culture & Sports

Advice and assistance

The following services in the area of counseling and assistance are free of charge.

All employees are subject to the legal duty of confidentiality.

We wish you success in resolving your concerns. If you would like to talk about your experiences with the services offered by the department, we are at your disposal by appointment.

  • Parent child day care center - on-site consultation

    On-site consulting

    Our goal is to strengthen parents and in their respective roles and to offer them advice on questions of child development and upbringing of children. In doing so, it is important to us that we respect both the the child's two environments, the home and the daycare center. the daycare center.

    Our counseling services for parents

    If you have questions about the upbringing or development of your parents can seek advice and support from us. For this the child can be seen by us in his or her social environment (at home or in the kindergarten group) in order to discuss with the parents and the pedagogical parents and the pedagogical staff to find explanations for the child's behavior and to to support the child accordingly.

    Our counseling service for pedagogical staff

    The pedagogical staff is faced with the the challenge of organizing the group's daily routine while keeping an eye on the development development of each individual child.

    Our goal in counseling is to support them in their pedagogical pedagogical competencies, to make them aware of their strengths and resources, and to accompany the process of implementation in practice. practice.

    More information

  • The Wolfsburg Educational Guidance Center

    Our counseling and support services are aimed at children, adolescents, parents and caregivers from Wolfsburg, the district of Helmstedt and the district of Gifhorn. The services are free of charge.

    All staff members are bound to professional secrecy.

    We are there for

    • Children
    • Adolescents
    • parents
    • educators, social workers, social pedagogues, teachers, and so on.


    Call us and contact us with your questions, wishes and ideas.

    Educational counseling
    Braunschweiger Street 12
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Phone: 05361 28-1161
    E-Mail to the educational counsel ing

    Without prior registration

    In case of crisis, a conversation is possible at short notice.

    Without prior appointment

    Monday: 16.00 to 18.00 o'clock
    Thursday: 11.00 to 12.00 o'clock

    Bus connection

    Bus stop "Theater
    Line 202, 213, 218, 230

    Please also note our office hours in Weyhausen and Nordstadt.

  • Parenting School

    The Parents' School at the Wolfsburg City Hospital is part of the Youth Division and a cooperation partner of the Adult Education Center. The staff are your contacts for questions relating to birth preparation and the first year of life with your baby. This includes breastfeeding advice, birth preparation courses, midwife consultations and postnatal courses. Further information on the extensive range of services can be found on the Wolfsburg Clinic website.


    Phone: 05361 - 80 1055
    E-Mail: elternschule@klinikum.wolfsburg.de

    Office hours: Monday to Friday, 08.00 - 15.00
    Address: Sauerbruchstraße Sauerbruchstraße 7, 38440 Wolfsburg

    Breastfeeding telephone: 0160 222 87 23 (daily, 07:00 - 15:00)

    Contact persons

    The Parents' School team

    Katja Kolbig (pediatric nurse, Delfi course and practice instructor)

    • Breastfeeding and lactation consultant IBCLC

    Midwives at the Parents' School

    The midwives provide outpatient midwifery care in the clinic, which includes preventive and follow-up care during pregnancy as well as pregnancy counseling.
    The service is aimed at all women/families who are not yet accompanied by a midwife.
    Anyone interested can contact the Parents' School to make an appointment.

    Esther-Maike Herterich (midwife)

    Sylvia Meier (midwife)

    • Acupuncture, grief counseling

  • Certifications

    Please understand that notarization is only possible by prior appointment.

    Note: Certifications are also possible at any other youth welfare office, a notary or at the registry office (only paternity, maternity acknowledgement and declarations of consent).

    What documents can be included?

    • Acknowledgement of paternity
    • Consent to acknowledge paternity
    • Acknowledgement of maternity
    • Joint declaration of custody (if the parents are not married to each other)

    The above mentioned documents can be recorded even before the child is born.

    In the event that the mother is still married and the husband is not the father, the acknowledgment of paternity can be made if the divorce petition is already pending and the husband is willing to have the declaration of consent to the acknowledgment of paternity of a third party notarized.

    • Recognition of obligation to pay maintenance for minor children and adults until they reach the age of 21.
    • Recognition of obligation to pay childcare maintenance in accordance with section 1615 l of the German Civil Code (BGB)
    • Further possible certifications are regulated in paragraph 59 SGB VIII.

    For all certifications, an interpreter must be consulted if the German language skills are insufficient.

    What documents are needed for the notarization?

    • Identity card or passport
    • Acknowledgement of paternity (in case of joint declaration of custody)
    • Letter from the youth welfare office/lawyer in which the amount of maintenance has been determined (in the case of maintenance obligation certificates)

    All certifications are free of charge at the Youth Division.

    Negative certificate (confirmation of the mother's sole custody)

    The Youth Welfare Office at the mother's place of residence is responsible for issuing the negative certificate.

    The prerequisite is,

    • the parents have never been married to each other
    • no joint declaration of custody has been certified
    • there is no custody order

    The negative certificate can be requested by telephone or in person.

  • Maintenance advance

    Who is entitled to maintenance payments under the Advance Maintenance Payments Act (Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz - UVG)?

    A child is entitled to the maintenance allowance if he or she is
    • has not yet reached the age of 18, whereby additional requirements must be met from the age of 12,
    • has a residence or habitual abode in Germany,
    • lives here with a single parent, and
    • does not receive, or only partially receives, or does not regularly receive maintenance from the other parent in the amount of the relevant standard amount according to the Standard Amount Ordinance (Regelbetragsverordnung).

    For a claim from the age of 12, one of the following two conditions (shown here in simplified form) must be met:

    1. the child does not receive benefits according to the Second Book of the Social Code or the child's need for assistance can be avoided by the advance maintenance payment, or
    2. the single parent has income of at least 600 euros, with the exception of child benefit.

    How much is the advance maintenance payment?

    For children from 0 - 5 years: 150,00 Euro monthly.

    For children from 6 - 11 years: 202,00 Euro monthly.

    For children from 12 - 17 years: 272,00 Euro monthly.

    When is the entitlement excluded?

    Entitlement to the advance maintenance payment is excluded if

    • the applicant parent refuses to provide information about the parent liable to pay,
    • the applicant parent refuses to cooperate in establishing the paternity or residence of the other parent,
    • the other parent has paid maintenance at least equal to the amount of the advance maintenance payment.

    Does the other parent now not have to pay child support?

    The other parent (who is liable for maintenance) should not be relieved if the state pays advance maintenance to the child. Therefore, any child support claims the child may have against the other parent are transferred to the state in the amount of the advance child support payment.

    What do you have to do to receive advance maintenance payments?

    You must apply in writing for benefits under the Advance Maintenance Payments Act (Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz, UVG). The application must be submitted to the responsible child support advance office - usually the responsible youth welfare office. The responsible youth welfare office is the one in whose district the child lives.

    A printed copy of the application form is available from us. Please bring the birth certificate of the respective child and your identity card with you to the application. If you have recently separated from the father/mother and are now living in separate apartments, please also bring your confirmation of re-registration. Alternatively, you can download the form.

    If your child has already reached the age of 12, you will also need to provide some additional information. You can find the form here. From the age of 15, please also submit a school certificate together with the application.

    If a lawyer is already working on your case, please bring the correspondence you have had so far.

    If there is already a maintenance order, please also bring this with you.

    Further information on the law of parent and child can be found in the brochure of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.

  • Early aids
    Sleeping baby

    Early support services are all counseling, support and assistance services that are available to families from the beginning of pregnancy until the child reaches the age of 3 (0 - 3 years) and serve to improve the developmental opportunities of children.

    Early support includes health promotion services such as midwifery services, pediatrician examinations, courses for babies or breastfeeding groups, baby visiting services, as well as care and support services for children and parents.

    Early support also includes services for families in small and large problem situations, such as visiting and making use of counseling centers, family support, support and development centers or the general social services of the city of Wolfsburg.

    Overall, Wolfsburg offers a wide range of counseling, support, and assistance services for women and families during pregnancy or in the first years of a child's life.

    All of this is bundled in the Early Help Network, which also includes the municipal services listed below.

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