Suitability assessment
You need a care permit to work as a childminder. This is issued by the youth welfare office and is valid for five years.
In addition to a number of formal requirements such as a secondary school leaving certificate, certificate of good conduct, first aid course, etc., the prerequisite for the care permit is that you are personally and professionally suitable to work with children. Suitability is assessed, checked and finally formally determined in a multi-stage process.
The basis for the assessment of personal suitability is formed by counseling sessions and a detailed interview. If both sides (yourself and the daycare team) then assess your suitability positively, you can register for the professional qualification at Fabi.As part of the qualification course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about working as a childminder and at the end of the qualification, your professional suitability will be certified by the federal certificate. The assessment of personal aptitude is also deepened during participation in the qualification and can be officially established at the end of the course if it is positive.
Qualification as a childminder according to the QHB
QHB is the abbreviation for "Qualification Handbook" and comprises a system of consecutive training courses for qualification as a childminder. The qualification series is carried out by the Protestant Family Education Center and is divided into several parts:
Successful completion of the basic qualification is the basis for obtaining a childcare license. After completing the advanced qualification, the remuneration is usually increased (cf. Directive on Child Day Care from 01.08.2022) and after successfully completing the additional module on inclusion, you can also take in children with disabilities in your day care center.