Child day care

Child day care
You can obtain individual advice on child day care from the City of Wolfsburg. Please write to us:
Youth Division
Department of Early Childhood Education
Pestalozziallee 1a, 38440 Wolfsburg
Telephone: 05361 28-5055
News in child day care
Qualification as a childminder | course start 23.04.2025
Take the opportunity now and qualify as a childminder!
The registration procedure for the course is handled by the City of Wolfsburg's Child Day Care Advisory Service. If you are interested or have any questions about the admission requirements, please send an email to We will be happy to advise you on all matters relating to the course.
If you meet the entry requirements and are deemed suitable by the City of Wolfsburg, you can take part in the course. This is aimed at people who would like to work as a childminder in Wolfsburg in the future and is free of charge for these participants. The Evangelische Familienbildungsstätte Wolfsburg (Fabi) is responsible for organizing and running the course.
Further information on the course and a detailed course schedule can be found on the Fabi website:
Become a childminder | Information afternoon on 21.01.2025
Become a childminder | Information evening on 25.03.2025
Child day care landscape in Wolfsburg
You can download the following PDF for a larger representation of the child day care landscape.
The child day care administration team and the child day care advisory team jointly publish a quarterly newsletter. This provides a compact overview of the most important events relating to child day care in Wolfsburg.
Upcoming events for childminders
Expert talks 2025
Specialist dialog on public relations on 17.02.2025
We cordially invite all childminders to our expert dialog on the topic "Public relations - Make your childminding known!". The expert dialog will take place on:
Monday, February 17, 2025 in the time from 9:00 to 15:00 in the Coworking Space, Porschestraße 2c (Markthalle), 38440 Wolfsburg.
Please send a binding confirmation of acceptance or rejection by 31.01.2025 to or to the office of the Early Childhood Education department.
Expert talks in the year 2025
In 2025, you still have the opportunity to register for the following specialist talks:
Case discussion - Sleeping in the KTP
January 21, 2025
17.00 - 18.30 hrs
Location: Schillerstraße 4
Action trays for research-based learning for young children
February 13, 2025
17.00 - 18.00 hrs
Location: to be announced
Growing and maturing | Documentation
March 18, 2025
17.00 - 18.00 hrs
Location: Schillerstraße 4
"Stories become narrative theater"
May 14, 2025
17.00 - 18.00 hrs
Location: to be announced
Excursion to the forest
June 03, 2025
17.00 - 18.00 hrs
Location: to be announcedCase discussion - dealing with challenging behavior of children
July 01, 2025
17.00 - 18.30
Location: Schillerstraße 4
A detailed description can be found in the following specialist discussion flyer.Found something interesting? Register at e-mail:
What is child day care?
Child day care is a family-like, legally recognized form of childcare that is primarily offered for children up to the age of three. In a day care center, up to five children are cared for simultaneously by a qualified day carer in their home or in rented premises (FAMILIENNEST). The childminder promotes children's educational and developmental processes and provides families with advice and support for their children. In addition to the small group size and the mostly family environment, a special feature of child day care is the reliable caregiver. Childminders can also work in the family's household or join forces and open a large daycare center (GROSS.FAMILIENNEST) to jointly care for up to 10 children.
- Framework concept
For families
Dear families,
Welcome! We are delighted that you are interested in child day care.
Below we have put together some important information about child day care. The day care team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
If you would like to register your child for a place in child day care, there are several options open to you:
- You can use the child day care portal to gain an overview of what is on offer or to find a child day care provider yourself.
- You can contact a childminder directly
or register using the online registration form. The childcare team will be happy to advise you and put you in touch with a suitable childminder.
Alternatively, you can use the Wolles Welt portal to register. There you can select the option "Family nest" (child day care center) or "Large family nest" (large day care centers of Familienservice gGmbH).
For childminders (KTPP)
Further and advanced training for childminders
Expert talks on child day care August 2024 to August 2025
Welcome to the range of expert talks!
Expert discussions play a central role in child day care in order to ensure the quality of care. These discussions offer a valuable opportunity for regular exchanges between childminders and specialist advisors. There is an exchange on various topics such as pedagogical strategies and concepts, current challenges, case discussions and the transfer of specific specialist knowledge. The continuous exchange, the variety of topics and the targeted transfer of knowledge make a decisive contribution to the professional development of day carers and to optimizing the quality of care.
Overview of further training and qualifications 2024-2025
Further and advanced training
Child day care is an important pillar in the early childhood care landscape. With the inclusion of child day care in the Lower Saxony Child Day Care Act (NKitaG), quality requirements have also been more clearly defined and further training has been enshrined in law.
Quality in child day care depends largely on the commitment of the child day care provider. However, good professionalism also requires continuous further development and qualification.
As part of its municipal responsibility, the city of Wolfsburg aims to provide a needs-based, high-quality qualification and further training program for Wolfsburg's childminders. To this end, Fabi and the VHS have been commissioned as training providers.
Childminders have many opportunities to shape their field of activity. In this context, the training programme offers numerous opportunities for profiling and professionalization.
We cordially invite you to browse and make active use of the courses on offer. At the same time, we invite you to contact the Wolfsburg specialist advisory services if you have a request that you cannot find in the program. We will be happy to take your wishes on board and expand our program.
Applications and forms
- Medical certificate For submission to the Youth Division, Early Childhood Education Department
- Application for a childcare permit as a childminder according to § 43 SGB VIII in conjunction with §18 NKiTaG
- APPLICATION for continuation of funding due to leave
- Application for reimbursement of training costs in accordance with § 18 II 2,3 NKiTaG
- Application for reimbursement of costs incurred for applying for a police clearance certificate
- Application for reimbursement of social contributions in accordance with § 23 II SGB VIII
- Application for a rental cost subsidy for rented rooms for child day care
- Application for an investment grant for the purchase of assets in child day care
- Declaration of consent for the request to the General Social Service of the Youth Division
- Sample care contract
- Time sheet for the billing of child day care in accordance with § 23 IV SGB VIII
- Time sheet for the billing of child day care in the case of substitution according to § 23 IV SGB VIII
- Veterinary certificate
- Further documents
Further and advanced training for childminders
Child day care from A - Z
Training: Do I need training to work as a childminder in Wolfsburg?
This depends, among other things, on the professional experience and qualifications you bring with you. There are different ways to start as a childminder.
- Without previous socio-educational training:
You must have at least a secondary school leaving certificate in order to complete the mandatory basic qualification of 300 teaching units. This is carried out in Wolfsburg via Fabi Wolfsburg. The costs incurred for this course are borne by the city of Wolfsburg. After completing the course, a corresponding application can be made for a care permit.
- With previous training in social education (e.g. educators, social assistants):
A care permit can be applied for immediately. However, due to the special features of child day care, it is advisable to take part in the basic qualification.
- Without previous socio-educational training:
As a childminder, can I choose the families myself?
Yes, you have the option of registering your profile on the joint portal page for Wolfsburg childminders so that families can find you via this channel.
Supervision times
As a self-employed childminder, am I allowed to set my own childcare hours?
As an independent KTPP, you determine the opening hours of your daycare center, within the framework of which parents contractually agree with you on the childcare hours they require.
Parental contribution
How much do I have to pay for child day care?
A fee is charged for childcare based on the hours of childcare funded and your income. These are identical to the costs for crèche care.
Additional information can be found in the guidelines, section 9
What documents do I need to submit for a reduction in the parental contribution?
In order to calculate the parental contribution, the Youth Division requires the completed application for a reduction/waiver of the standard contribution as well as the corresponding proof of income.
Is child day care for families subsidized?
The City of Wolfsburg supports childcare from 10 hours per week up to a maximum of 50 hours. In the case of childcare before or after daycare or school, funding is provided for 5 hours or more per week.
For parents: The basic childcare requirement is 30 hours per week (Mon-Fri from 8:00-16:00) and can be applied for from the childcare team without justification. If the requirement is more than 30 hours per week or outside the time frame, the claim must be justified in detail.
When and where do I, as the legal guardian, have to submit the application for funding?
The application must be submitted in writing to the City of Wolfsburg at least four weeks in advance. You can obtain the application here (link) or from the responsible childminder.You are welcome to submit the complete application to us by post, in person or by email at
Further training
What training and further education opportunities are there for childminders?
There is an extensive range of further training courses for childminders at the VHS and at Fabi Wolfsburg.
The qualification courses take place at Fabi. These include a two-part basic qualification, an advanced qualification and an additional module on "Inclusion".
The individual training courses can be found in the current program of the educational institutions (VHS Fabi) or on the municipal homepage Wolfsburger Kindertagespflege.
Additional information can be found in the guidelines, section 7.4.
I am interested in working as a childminder. Who can I contact?
The Youth Division of the City of Wolfsburg offers detailed advice. You can reach the team in the Early Childhood Education department by email or by phone at
Telephone: 05361 28-5055
Telephone: 05361 28-1554
Number of children
How many children may/can I look after?
The number of children to be cared for depends on the individual requirements (e.g. room size) and is determined when the care permit is issued.
In principle, a care permit is possible for up to 5 children present at the same time. If you meet the requirements, you can decide whether you want to care for five children at the same time or fewer.
Is there a minimum number of children?
At least one other child must be cared for in child day care.
Day care centers
How do I know which KTPP is available?
The child day care team in the youth division arranges places in the child day care centers. You can find more detailed information on individual childminders on the Wolfsburg childminders' website.
Who can I contact?
Phone: 05361 28-5055
Phone: 05361 28-1554
Costs for qualification
What does the qualification course cost?
The qualification course is free of charge for participants from Wolfsburg
What do I do if I am ill?
They inform the parents immediately. Some childminders have built up a network of substitutes that they can fall back on in the event of illness.
Upon presentation of a medical certificate, a self-employed childminder is entitled to continued payment of the current cash benefit in the event of illness for a maximum of 14 days per calendar year. This also includes sick days of their own children.
In the case of employed childminders, the provisions of the employment contract apply.
Place search
How do I get a childcare place at the KTP?
You have the option of asking childminders directly about available places or you can contact the Youth Division of the City of Wolfsburg. You can reach the responsible team in the Early Childhood Education Department by e-mail or telephone at (see Contact)
How long does the qualification take and how is it structured?
The basic qualification currently lasts approx. 14 months and is divided into several sections.
The basic qualification consists of two parts, each of which concludes with a learning outcome test. After successful completion, a certificate can be applied for from the Bundesverband Kindertagespflege. This is recognized in most federal states.
Part 1 of the basic qualification includes
- a preparatory course of 160 teaching hours
- an internship of 80 hours
- 140 self-study units to be completed
- An assessment of learning outcomes as the basis for the issue of a care permit
After completing the preparatory course for the basic qualification, you have the opportunity to apply for a carer's license from the Youth Division. Once the care permit has been issued, you can start working as a childminder.
Part 2 of the basic qualification takes place alongside your work and includes another 140 hours of instruction.
Building on this, day carers can continue their training in the advanced qualification with 120 hours in specific pedagogical subject areas such as working with parents, orientation in the social environment, organization and management.
At what times does the qualification course take place?
The qualification course is offered by Fabi and can be found in the Fabi program with the respective dates. The courses currently take place in the evening and occasionally all day on Saturdays. Please contact Fabi Wolfsburg for current dates.
Do I need my own premises? Or will I be provided with rooms?
It is possible to run a day care center either in your own home with child-friendly equipment or in specially rented and equipped premises. Alternatively, childcare can also be provided in the family's home.
There are standards that must be met for the child's own living space, for example
- Child-friendly furnishings
- Sleeping places and changing facilities for the children
- Opportunities to play, exercise and eat
- Permission from the landlord, if applicable
The complete requirements can be found in the guideline section 5.5
Other rooms must be found and equipped independently.
In an employment relationship, the rooms are usually provided by the employer.
What does the guideline for child day care contain?
In the guideline for child day care in Wolfsburg in the version dated 01.08.2022, the city of Wolfsburg regulates the implementation of legal requirements for local child day care centers. Important contents include
- Description of the forms of child day care in Wolfsburg
- Eligibility requirements and cash benefits in child day care
- Requirements for childminders
- Advice, support and placement of childminders
- Specific regulations on child protection, obligations to cooperate and statistics
Am I self-employed or employed?
You make this decision. Many childminders work independently. This means that you decide for yourself when and how you would like to provide care. Naturally in compliance with the legal requirements.
Familienservice Wolfsburg gGmbH operates several GROSS.FAMILIENNESTER daycare centers. The childminders working there are employed by Familienservice Wolfsburg gGmbH.
Detailed regulations can be found in the child day care guidelines on page 11 under point
How many vacation days do I have?
As a self-employed KTPP, you are responsible for determining your own vacation time in consultation with the families.
As a rule, the ongoing cash benefit will continue to be paid for a total of 24 days' leave per calendar year. Further regulations can be found in section 7.3.1 of the guidelines.
For employed childminders, the provisions of the employment contract apply.
Is there any remuneration?
As a childminder, you can be self-employed or employed.
If you are employed, you will receive remuneration in accordance with the signed employment contract.
As a self-employed childminder, you will receive a regular cash benefit from the City of Wolfsburg if you meet the relevant requirements. This cash benefit is made up of
- Amount to recognize the support of the child
- Reimbursement of reasonable costs for material expenses
- Pro rata reimbursement of social security contributions
- Amount for indirect, pedagogical and organizational preparation and follow-up work
The recognition amount is determined according to qualification levels.
Further information can be found in the guideline section 6.2 or obtained in a personal consultation.
What requirements do I need to fulfill to become a childminder in Wolfsburg?
In order to work as a childminder, you need a formal care permit from the city of Wolfsburg. There are numerous requirements for this, which relate to the following areas:
A childminder must be characterized by their
- personality,
- professional competence and
- willingness to cooperate with parents, other childminders and the public youth welfare organization.
- They must also have child-friendly premises
- and in-depth knowledge in accordance with §43 SGB VIII i.V.m. §18 paragraph 1 numbers 1-3 NKiTaG.
Suitability is determined in several steps by the City of Wolfsburg.
The specialist advisory service provides support through discussions and visits to possible premises. It provides support throughout the entire process, from the initial expression of interest through the qualification period to active employment as a childminder.
Further details can be found in the child day care guidelines on p. 13-15.
Can I work together with another childminder?
It is possible to join forces with another day carer and run a so-called large day care center together on a permanent basis.
§Section 19 NKiTaG in conjunction with the guidelines of the City of Wolfsburg regulate the details. As a rule, 8 to 10 children may be cared for together in a large day care center. A personal assignment of the day care children to one of the day carers is obligatory. Certain professional qualifications are required for the care of more than 8 children. Further details can be found in the child day care guidelines on p. 10 under point 3.1.4.
Additional costs
What costs are incurred in addition to the parental contribution?
This depends on the daycare center, as they may charge an additional fee for meals, excursions etc.. Costs may also be incurred for care outside of the subsidized scope of care.
Are there subsidies for premises and their equipment?
An application must be submitted to the Youth Division prior to purchase.
Training: Do I need training to work as a childminder in Wolfsburg?
About us - Contacts
Contact details childcare team
Child's name
Phone/E-mail Availability
Child day care staff
08:30 to 15:00
and by
by appointmentDennis Dubiel 05361 28-2653
dennis.dubiel@stadt.wolfsburg.deIrene Seliwanow 05361 28-5015
irene.seliwanow@stadt.wolfsburg.deAngelique Broscheit 05361 28-2038
angelique.broscheit@stadt.wolfsburg.deMarion Müller 05361 28-2894
marion.mueller@stadt.wolfsburg.deLeon-Marvin Schaale 05361 28-5072
leon-marvin.schaale@stadt.wolfsburg.deMunicipal specialist advice Elke Mrosek 05361 28-2826
elke.mrosek@stadt.wolfsburg.deRicarda Gellrich 05361 28-1554
ricarda.gellrich@stadt.wolfsburg.deSpecialist advice for child day care Luca Jetzke 05361 28-5014
luca.jetzke@stadt.wolfsburg.deJana Wulf 05361 28-5239