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City uses sensors to measure parking space utilization

The parking lot on Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben Straße in Fallersleben is becoming a real-life laboratory for the smart city. New sensors are being tested here. For this reason, it is necessary to temporarily close the parking lot from July 1 to probably July 3 for the installation of ground sensors. The city of Wolfsburg asks that all vehicles parked there be removed by June 30.

The assessment of parking space utilization results from the project to expand and renovate the Fallersleben local fire department. With the construction of a new building for the local fire department, the parking spaces to the west of the fire department will be built over. "For the expansion and renovation of the local fire department, which is challenging from many points of view but absolutely necessary, the area surrounding the site is also being intensively considered and reorganized. In addition to traffic flows, aspects relating to listed buildings and urban planning in particular must be taken into account," explains Kai-Uwe Hirschheide, first city councillor and city planning officer. The city now wants to check whether the parking lot on Hoffmann-von-Fallersleben Straße is sufficiently designed to accommodate the parking spaces that will be removed. To this end, ground sensors will be glued to the individual parking spaces. "The parking lot in Fallersleben is a great example of how we can make intelligent use of digitalization for our urban decision-making processes," explains Jens Hofschröer, Head of Digital and Economic Affairs.

The sensors provide the data required to assess whether the parking lot can compensate for the number of parking spaces that are no longer available. They record whether a parking space is occupied and for how long. By recording actual usage, data-based conclusions can be drawn as to whether measures to increase capacity should be considered. The survey period will probably extend over several months. During this time, the parking lot can be used as usual free of charge and without restrictions on the maximum parking time.

The trial is part of the Smart City project 'Mobility Lab Fallersleben'. The aim of the Smart Cities Model Projects funding programme is to strategically shape digitalization in terms of integrated sustainable urban development. The focus is on projects that create added value for citizens in particular through the use of digital technologies. The city of Wolfsburg has been in the implementation phase of the funding program since 2022.

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