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Keeping Wolfsburg green: Workcamp supports the city forest

In July and August, Stadtforst Wolfsburg is once again organizing a work camp together with the International Youth Community Service Germany (IJGD). The group is made up of young people from Germany, Spain, Ukraine, France, Belgium and Turkey. The men and women, aged between 16 and 26, spend two weeks working on various forestry projects in the urban forest. These include, for example, pruning trees or creating a refuge for insects. The group was welcomed at the town hall on July 24.

Participants at the reception included council chairman Ralf Krüger, city forester Dirk Schäfer, Marten Müller (youth development) and participants in the international work camp. At the end, all participants were able to sign the city's guest book.

The group was thanked for their commitment. For Wolfsburg as a green city, the maintenance of these areas is of great importance, especially in times of climate change. This makes the impact of the volunteers who use their free time for such projects all the greater. Nevertheless, the participants still have time to visit the sights of Wolfsburg. In this way, the project also promotes togetherness and international exchange within the group.

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