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Road renovations 2025

Heinrich-Nordhoff-Straße and Braunschweiger Straße are also being renovated

Two million euros for around 40,000 square meters (m²): We are also investing in road renovation in the city area in the coming year. Two of Wolfsburg's central traffic axes, Heinrich-Nordhoff-Straße (section between Lessingstraße and Saarstraße; 5,000 m²) and Braunschweiger Straße (section between Röntgenstraße and Rabenbergstraße; 5,415 m²), will also be tackled.

Braunschweiger Straße towards the city center

"Our main traffic arteries in particular are very old and need to be renovated at the same time," explains First City Councillor and City Planning Councillor Kai-Uwe Hirschheide. "In the coming year, we will also concentrate on the low-traffic periods during the vacations in order to keep the restrictions for everyone as low as possible. However, this year's refurbishments show the quality gains that can be achieved despite the short-term restrictions."

In addition to Heinrich-Nordhoff-Straße and Braunschweiger Straße, the following refurbishment measures are also included in the 2025 road surface program

  • Königsberger Straße (center-west; around 6,400 m²)
  • Rabenbergstraße/Burgwall (center-west; around 5,500 m²)
  • Willy-Brandt-Platz (city center; around 1,960 m²)
  • Mühlenbergstraße (Almke/Neindorf; approx. 3,300 m²)
  • K 111 (out of town; between Barnstorf and Nordsteimke; around 12,690 m²)

The costs of the individual measures are expected to be between 250,000 and 350,000 euros. We will inform you in good time about the exact time of implementation of the individual measures and the associated closures and detour. Written information on the 2025 road surface program will be provided at the upcoming planning and construction committee on Wednesday, 30 October.

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