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AWO daycare center looks like a new building after complete renovation

Significantly longer use due to the general refurbishment

Following fire damage in April 2022, the AWO daycare center in Detmerode had to be renovated by the city of Wolfsburg. Work began in May 2024 and is expected to be completed by mid-2025 so that the new rooms can be put into operation after the summer vacations. During the planning phase, the city assumed a cost estimate of around 1.8 million euros. It is now clear that the renovation of the building is considerably more extensive than expected and will cost around 690,000 euros more. An additional 280,000 euros will also have to be budgeted for work on the outside of the daycare center. This item was not yet included in the original submission. A corresponding additional cost proposal will be discussed for the first time in the Youth Welfare Committee on March 4 and will then be approved by the city council on April 2.

The new roof is now rainproof and the new windows have been installed. The façade work is currently underway. Inside, everything has been gutted and the finishing work is in full swing. At the same time, preparations are being made for the awarding of contracts for the outdoor facilities. The complete renovation of the AWO daycare center is almost like a new building after the gutting. The city is investing in important infrastructure at the site.

The reason for this is, in particular, changes required in terms of building physics based on thermal simulation calculations. A completely new insulation of the façade, including new facing bricks, is required, which will cost 230,000 euros. An additional 140,000 euros have been budgeted for new window elements and sun protection. The necessary new drainage systems will cost 60,000 euros. Added to this are the costs for sealing the plinth (50,000 euros) and new ventilation systems (60,000 euros). The building has therefore been completely renovated and will therefore be usable for considerably longer than the ten years originally planned for the renovation. The original proposal also did not include the cost of repairing the outdoor facilities at around 280,000 euros.
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