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Politics & Administration


The practice of hunting is characterized by the regulations of the Federal and Lower Saxony Hunting Laws. These include regulations on hunting and closed seasons, huntable animals and permitted hunting methods. Hunting refers to the search for, pursuit, capture, killing and acquisition of game by hunters.

Hunting may only be carried out by persons who have previously obtained a valid hunting license.

A hunting license

In addition to the Ordnungsamt of the city of Wolfsburg, which will be happy to help you personally with questions regarding hunting law, the acting district hunt master, Mr. Robert Glanz, is available to answer your questions regarding hunting.

  • Annual hunting license for one or three years
  • Day hunting licenses for nationals and foreigners for a maximum of 14 consecutive days
  • Annual youth hunting licenses for persons who have reached the age of 16, but are not yet 18 years old.

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