The right contact for financial matters
The Finance division bundles all central financial tasks of the city and the municipal holdings.
As part of the decentralized responsibility for resources, the divisions and organizational units have extensive authority for the use of budgeted financial resources.
The business division is a partner in solving financial issues. The business division supports financial research work and is available to answer general questions about the city's financial management.

The departments and fields of activity of the business unit:
Budget, Central Controlling and Business Development
The colleagues in the "Budget" team develop the basis for the city's financial management and thus create the conditions for an orderly budget. They support the Board of Directors and the rest of the city's administration in making financial decisions.
The "Central Controlling and Business Development" team supports the city's various target groups by providing information, coordination and management consulting, and points the way to process-oriented, holistic, strategic, functional and financial budget management with an integrated view of the city as a group.
On this path, the team plays an important role in the further development, implementation, coordination and communication of the process-oriented control system in the budget cycle by linking the tasks of central controlling, business development, investment controlling and consolidated financial statements.
Important core tasks of the department are the further development of controlling instruments, central reporting for the core administration and shareholdings, the preparation of analyses/comparisons, business and legal consulting, the analysis of optimization potential, training, the development of targets and key figures as an impact-oriented technical and financial control, conceptual design of guidelines and the development of an integrated control system for the core administration and shareholdings.
Departmental Controlling
Departmental Controlling was established on 01.01.2020 and represents the link between the business units, the Board of Management and the Finance division.
The main tasks of Departmental Controlling consist of processing departmental matters for the budget process, external reporting (management reports) and annual financial statement work.
Partial aspects of this include:- Advising the departmental heads, business unit/unit heads and department heads of the respective department on financial management issues
- Processing of individual/needs-based analyses and work orders as needs-based management support and individual service provision
- Preparation of internal and external reporting
- Processing of cost and activity accounting (e.g. determination of distribution keys for allocations) for the department
- Processing of general business management and specialist issues for the department
Grants Management
Grants management is in the process of implementation. Currently, the following processes are being carried out with the pilot areas: Survey of municipal grants utilized, overview of grant programs/landscape, identification of grant opportunities for individual measures, and consultation regarding grant opportunities.
Grants Management Scope of Activities:
- Overview and forwarding of funding-relevant information.
Provision of funding information at EU, federal and state level and forwarding to organizational units
- Identification of funding opportunities for measures already planned in the investment or future program
Preparation of proposals for financing already planned measures through subsidies, in particular through non-repayable grants
- Consulting with regard to funding opportunities
Consultations prior to budget planning with the aim of checking measures for their eligibility for subsidies
- Central updating of the database on subsidies
Updating the database with relevant information on subsidies per area and project for internal and external use
- Reporting on grants
Reporting on the current status of funding
- Communication and networking (internal and external)
Exchange of experience and needs assessment within the city administration, as well as inter-communal networking and clarification of overarching issues
- Management of user data in the Prodaba subsidy database
Central maintenance of subsidy databases such as the subsidy database Prodaba
Contact person:
Ms. Drmać
Phone: 05361 28-2351
Fax: 05361 28-2758 - Overview and forwarding of funding-relevant information.
Departmental Controlling
City treasury
The City Treasury handles the payment transactions of the City's business units, posts their business transactions and is responsible for ensuring liquidity. It is responsible for the collection of all outstanding receivables and represents the interests of the city in all insolvency proceedings.
The Tax Department is the direct point of contact for the collection of business, dog and amusement taxes. The department also looks after the municipal businesses of a commercial nature in tax matters.
Asset Accounting
Asset Accounting manages and records inventory and changes in the fixed assets (balance sheet operating assets) of the City of Wolfsburg.
The main tasks of Asset Accounting are:
- Documentation of the inventory in general and the individual movements of intangible assets (concessions, licenses, similar rights,...) and tangible assets (land, furniture, equipment and machinery,...).
- Determination of current fixed assets at the date of the financial statements and recording of the corresponding movements for the previous accounting period in accordance with the requirements of the balance sheet.
- Determination of depreciation
- The data of the fixed assets accounting, through the inventory, form the basis for the annual financial statements and have a supporting effect for them.
In this team, about six employees process a total of about 43,000 assets (including 19,793 land, buildings, infrastructure assets and technical equipment and 17,126 machines, equipment and vehicles - as of May 2017) from the territory of the City of Wolfsburg. This scope of assets and interfaces to asset accounting results in the challenge of detailed explanations/rules for cooperation. These have been formulated in the capitalization guideline of the City of Wolfsburg and are binding for all organizational units of the city administration.
City of Wolfsburg
Finance Division
Mr. OttTelephone: 05361 28-1998
Fax: 05361 28-1810
Balance sheet & Financial accounting/accounts payable
Balance sheet accounting is a subarea of the entire accounting. It deals in summary with the results of the individual sub-areas of accounting. The focus is on the balance sheet, income statement and financial statement and the annual financial statements. Balance sheet accounting is part of external accounting and must account for the municipality and its business activities to the public. It provides the accounting basis for the strategic and operational planning of the City of Wolfsburg.
Business transactions in the City of Wolfsburg that can be expressed in numerical values are recorded in the financial accounting system using the methods of bookkeeping in a factual and chronological order, posted to accounts and documented. Invoices received are checked and recorded in the accounts payable section and forwarded to the city treasury for payment. Creditors are the creditors of a company who grant the City of Wolfsburg short-term credit until their invoice is settled. The receivables of the suppliers (service providers) are recorded as liabilities. The different maturities of the liabilities enable short-term liquidity planning. Outgoing invoices, on the other hand, are created in the accounts receivable section of the municipal treasury and processed by the balance sheet accounting department as part of the preparation of the balance sheet and the income and financial statements. The objective of financial accounting is to determine the overall result from the expenses and income of the City of Wolfsburg from 01.01. to 31.12. of each year.
City of Wolfsburg
Finance Division
Mrs. ZittelPhone: 05361 28-1514
Fax: 05361 28-1810
Overall financial statements/Consolidated balance sheet
An important objective of the reform of municipal budget law is implemented with the municipal comprehensive financial statements (consolidated financial statements), namely to regain an overview of the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the service areas of the municipality managed in the budget, including the service providers that are organizationally or legally spun off from the municipality's budget.
Objectives and purpose of the overall financial statements:
- Harmonization of accounting in order to make the financial situation of the municipality as a whole capable of being considered and assessed.
- Starting point for the further development of integrative management structures through the complete presentation of assets, liabilities, expenses and income
- Identifying intercompany transactions and exchanges of services
- Provision of information for politicians, administrators, citizens, banks and interested members of the public with an overall view of the tasks of the municipality and subsidiary organizations, as well as the total assets of the municipality and the earnings situation of the municipality as a whole.
- Overall Financial Statement Guideline of the City of Wolfsburg
- Consolidated financial statements 2022/Consolidation report as at 31.12.2022
City of Wolfsburg
Finance Division
Ms. HeinsPhone: 05361 28-2670
Fax: 05361 28-2758
Real estate taxes
The "Property Taxes" team is the point of contact for questions relating to the assessment, levying and assessment of property taxes as well as fees for waste disposal, street cleaning and stormwater.
Corporate and Policy Affairs
The Corporate and Fundamental Affairs department is responsible for the administration and controlling of shareholdings. It is the point of contact for the municipal holdings, the representatives in the shareholders' and annual general meetings, the members of the Supervisory Board and Administrative Board, the employees in the administration and the members of the Council.
Its core tasks include preparing decisions for the City of Wolfsburg as a shareholder, supporting elected officials, developing and maintaining municipal standards in the context of investment management, and preparing the investment report. Other tasks include controlling and organizing reporting, processing and coordinating sub-budget 98 - shareholdings -, providing business and legal advice, informing politicians and general shareholding management.
The principles of investment management are set out in the following guideline.
- Note on the EU-DSGVO
City of Wolfsburg
Finance Division
Porschestrasse 49
38440 WolfsburgPhone: 05361 28-2124
Fax: 05361 28-2758