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Politics & Administration

Structural engineering

The building construction department of the city administration

The Building Construction division plans, builds and maintains the buildings owned by the city.

Image collage from the field of structural engineering
f.o.l.t.r.: Vivian Petar - Fotolia.com, lassedesign - Fotolia.com, Ivan Kruk - Fotolia.com, Kalim - Fotolia.com

The division is responsible for new construction, conversion and extension measures as well as structural maintenance and investments in all municipal buildings. These include the town hall, administrative buildings, schools, kindergartens, youth and leisure homes, cultural buildings (municipal museum, theater, Alvar Aalto cultural center, ...), sports halls, social buildings, the clinic, fire departments and depots.

The business unit is responsible for new construction, conversion and expansion measures as well as for structural maintenance and investments in all municipal buildings. These include the city hall, administrative buildings, schools, kindergartens, youth and leisure centers, cultural buildings (municipal museum, theater, Alvar Aalto House of Culture, etc.), sports halls, social buildings, the hospital, fire departments and depots.

Energy management is also carried out for these buildings.

In the case of large projects and competitions, there is close cooperation with the staff unit for special planning and project management.

Current construction measures

  • Construction measures at municipal sports facilities

    Wendschott sports hall: new building

    Start of construction: Fall 2022
    Estimated completion date: February 2025
    Total costs: Approx. 4.1 million euros
    Size of the construction project: 1,150 square meters

    Wendschott sports hall
    Wendschott sports hall
    Photo of the new Wendschott sports hall

    BadeLand: Planning general refurbishment

    Start of planning: 2025
    Planning costs (LP 1 2): 3,000,000 euros gross

  • Construction measures in the area of daycare centers and youth
    There are currently no construction measures in this area
  • Construction measures at Wolfsburg schools

    Käferschule: New building and conversion

    Start of construction: Spring 2022
    Completion of new building:
    Summer 2023
    Estimated completion of conversion: Fall 2024
    Total costs: 7,000,000 euros
    Size of the construction project: 1,320 square meters

    The beetle school
    The beetle school
    Checkrooms and seating areas in the Käferschule
    Photo of the retrofitted platform lift in the Beetle School

    Ratsgymnasium new main building: New building

    Start of construction of new building
    May 2024
    Size of the construction project: 4,300 square meters
    Estimated completion date
    Summer 2026
    Total costs approx. 25 million euros


    Leonardo da Vinci elementary school: New building

    Start of construction:: July 2024
    Estimated completion date:
    Summer 2026
    Size of the construction project: 2,600 square meters
    Total costs:
    approx. 15 million euros

    Leonardo da Vinci Elementary School
    Leonardo da Vinci Elementary School

    Grundschule Heidgarten: Planning

    Start of planning:: 2024
    Planning costs including outdoor facilities:
    1,334,000 euros

    Aerial view of Heidgarten elementary school
    Leonardo da Vinci Elementary School

    Modular buildings at Fallersleben school center: New building

    Start of construction:: Fall 2024
    Estimated completion date:
    Size of the construction project: 1,440 square meters
    Total costs: 8,020,000 euros

    Site plan with outdoor facilities of the Fallersleben school center
  • Construction measures on cultural buildings

    Concentration camp memorial - planning

    Continuation of the planning: Summer 2024
    Planning costs including outdoor facilities: 497,000 euros
    Size of the construction project: 620 square meters

    Concentration camp memorial
    Concentration camp memorial
  • Construction measures of the fire department

    Hattorf local fire department: New building

    Start of construction: Fall 2021
    Completion: Completion of building construction has taken place
    Total costs: 2,740,000 euros (including outdoor facilities)
    Size of the construction project: 520 square meters

    Photo of the Hattorf local fire department

    Professional fire department: New main station building

    Start of new construction: June 2023
    Expected completion: 2026
    Total costs: Approx. 120,000,000 euros
    Size of the construction project: Around 23,800 square meters

    Site of the new professional fire department
    Professional Fire Department Building
    Construction site of the new professional fire department

    New building for Kästorf local fire department including call station

    Size of the construction project:
    total approx. 1070 m²
    Fire station approx. 1010 m²
    Intercom station approx. 60 m²
    Total costs:
    approx. 7,000,000 euros
    Expected start of construction: Spring 2024
    Estimated completion date:
    End of 2025

    Fallersleben local fire department: Planning

    Start of planning:
    Planning costs (LP 1-4): 1,250,700 euros
    Size of the construction project: 2,366 square meters

  • More information

    Would you like to become a structural engineer for the city of Wolfsburg?

  • Contact

    City of Wolfsburg
    Building Construction Division
    Dr. Brinsa (Head of Division)
    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Telephone: 05361 28-1234
    Fax: 05361 28-2052
    E-mail: sekretariat.hochbau@stadt.wolfsburg.de

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