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Charges in homes

The fees in full inpatient facilities (nursing homes) are made up of various cost components. With the exception of the separately billable investment costs, these are usually renegotiated once a year between the care home and the cost bearers (the care insurance fund and the local social welfare office). The home negotiates the separately billable investment costs with the local social welfare agency. The home fee to be paid is then calculated from the items listed.

The home fee consists of

  • the care fee (for care and support) depending on the care level,
  • the personal contribution,
  • the accommodation costs,
  • the cost of meals and
  • the investment costs, which can be calculated separately

Depending on the care level, the care insurance fund pays a proportion of the care fee. In principle, the costs for meals, accommodation, separately calculable investments and the personal contribution must be paid by the patient.

Financial assistance is available from the Social Services Division, Care Department.


Mr. Pagel
Phone: 05361 28-5184

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