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"All a little, together a lot"

Wolfsburg Environment Day on June 8

The Wolfsburg Environment Day on Saturday, June 8, 2024 featured a varied program on environmental, climate and nature conservation.

Under the motto "Everyone a little, together a lot", a variety of hands-on activities and exciting information about environmental protection were offered for the whole family in the middle Porschestraße/glass roof area.

The event was organized by the environmental department of the city of Wolfsburg in cooperation with more than 25 partners from various sectors.

Participants included Volkswagen AG with a giveaway of native shrubs, VfL with a wooden goal wall and sitting soccer for children, the Phaeno with craft activities, the Wolfsburg drainage companies with a water game for children and a glass canal, the nature conservation associations with exciting information on near-natural gardens and wild bees, the Wolfsburg Energy Agency with advice on solar energy and heat pumps and active playgrounds with an upcycling craft activity for children.

  • The program

    Participating institutions In addition to a wide range of information, the following hands-on activities were offered at the respective stands:
    Buntspecht adventure playground, Fallersleben active playground and Westhagen construction playground Upcycling activity for children: making flower pots from TetraPacks and planting an insect-friendly seed mixture
    Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club Wolfsburg e.V. (ADFC)
    Bicycle quiz, handicraft workshop with bicycle chain, bicycle tube, etc.
    Civil Protection City of Wolfsburg
    Children's painting station, hands-on experiments on the subject of water, exhibition of alarm vehicle and multi-purpose boat
    BürgerMitWirkung and Environmental Agency
    Citizen participation Climate adaptation concept, Agenda 2030
    foodsharing Wolfsburg
    Handing in rescued fruit, vegetables and baked goods, quiz
    Wolfsburg health department
    What to do when it's too hot? Sun cream giveaway
    Wolfsburg Hunting Association
    Nature quiz
    Nature Exploration Station NEST
    Animal quiz and exhibition of animal specimens
    Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) Wolfsburg
    Advice on near-natural gardens
    Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) Making insect nesting aids
    phaeno Wolfsburg

    Upcycling activity for children and families. Do-it-yourself seed observation jars "From fire bean to plant", hands-on experiments on natural phenomena

    Pueblo World Shop
    Presentation of fair products, collection campaign for used cell phones/smartphones
    Craft activity for children: make creative things out of packaging waste, adults can add ideas on waste separation and resource conservation to a mural
    City of Wolfsburg Digitalization and Economy Department
    Wheel of fortune on the topic of KlimaCubes Wolfsburg
    Stadtwerke Wolfsburg AG, Wobcom and LSW
    Making seed balls with children
    Environmental Agency City of Wolfsburg
    Presentation of the photos submitted for the photo campaign "My favorite green shady spot in Wolfsburg" and drawing of the winners
    Wolfsburg City Water Authority
    Foam model on the sponge city principle
    Consumer advice center Lower Saxony
    Quiz on sustainable food storage
    VfL Wolfsburg Football GmbH
    Quiz and competition on environmental topics, wooden goal wall and sitting soccer for children
    Wolfsburg adult education center
    Information stand
    Volkswagen AG
    Gift campaign for native shrubs/woody plants
    WAS -Wolfsburg waste management and street cleaning
    Wheel of fortune for waste separation and avoidance
    WEB - Wolfsburg drainage companies
    Water game for children, advice on property drainage, transparent sewer with sewer camera
    Wasp protection officer of the city of Wolfsburg
    Information about wild bees and wasps
    Wolfsburg Energy Agency and Climate Protection Department City of Wolfsburg
    Calculation of personal CO2 footprint and energy advice (e.g. solar energy and heat pumps)

    The traveling exhibition "Steps to a natural garden" could be visited in the Bürgerhalle in Town Hall A.

    The planetarium also offered a 30-minute "Starry Sky LIVE" presentation on the topic of "Light Pollution" on June 8.

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