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North Head Quarter Center

The city of Wolfsburg is planning a modern, urban and sustainable new district between Wolfsburg's main railway station, the Bahnhofspassage and Porschestraße. The administration is currently working on the "Nordkopfquartier Mitte" development plan as the basis for the district's development.

  • The current urban development process
    • Phase 1: Basic evaluation

      • Evaluation of existing plans

    • Phase 2: Urban planning design of three variants


      • Citizen participation 1 of 3
      • Stakeholder & Politics - Participation 1 of 3
      • Creation of draft premises


      • Draft of three variants
      • Citizen participation 2 of 3
      • Stakeholder & Politics - participation 2 of 3
      • Involvement of specialist planning bodies
      • Interim presentation and discussion of the variants in politics and specialist committees


      • Incorporation of the results from phase 2
      • Involvement of specialist planning
      • Detailing the plans


      • Citizen participation 3 of 3
      • Stakeholder & Politics - participation 3 of 3
      • Selection of a variant in the expert committee
      • Decision on the variant in the council

    • Phase 3: Start of urban land-use planning

      • Creation of building rights on the basis of the selected and approved urban development variant
      • Further public participation
      • Further coordination with specialist planners

    • Phase 4: Marketing of properties

      • Plots can be sold to individual investors on the basis of the urban planning design and building law
      • New plot layouts will probably be necessary for the sale

    • Phase 5: Implementation planning

      • Architectural planning of the project developers
      • Necessary technical adaptation and specialist planning
      • Open space planning for selected public spaces

    • Phase 6: Implementation and construction

      • Partial demolition of buildings if necessary
      • Construction phase in the public space
      • Construction phase of the project developers

  • Citizen participation

    The Nordkopf is to be further developed in terms of urban planning. Citizens, stakeholders and interested parties are repeatedly asked for their ideas and opinions during the process.

    • Participation 1 of 3

      Under the motto 48 Stunden Nordkopf, citizens, stakeholders and interested parties were invited to the premises of Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH (WMG), Porschestraße 26, on Wednesday and Thursday, February 7 and 8, 2024, between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. to find out more about the planning and join in the discussion. Interested parties were able to participate online until February 18, 2024.

      From the city's perspective, this was well received and yielded valuable results that will be incorporated into the development of three variants of an urban development concept.

    • Participation 3 of 3

      Your vote for the Nordkopf: In the third and, for the time being, last public participation on the Nordkopf development, Wolfsburg residents were able to vote for their favorite from the three final designs by the renowned Danish planning office Henning Larsen Architects.

      The plans were exhibited on Tuesday, June 11, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the town hall's civic hall. At the same time, citizens were able to vote online at from June 11 to 16. The opinions of the citizens as well as the feedback from trade, politics and administration will be incorporated into the overall decision of an expert council.

  • Current concepts for the city center and the Nordkopf
    • Master planning Nordhoff axis

      Sustainable, urban quarters are to be created along the Mittelland Canal and Heinrich-Nordhoff-Strasse, further overcoming the historical separation between the Volkswagen factory premises and the city center. The main objective is the visionary further development of Wolfsburg as a residential and business location and the realization of sustainable mobility concepts. The Nordhoffachse master plan was drawn up between 2017 and 2020 in collaboration with Albert Speer und Partner GmbH and approved by Wolfsburg City Council in 2021. The Nordkopf is part of this.

    • Mobility strategy 2020

      The "Green Thread" mobility strategy was developed in 2019/2020 and adopted by Wolfsburg City Council in October 2020. It pursues the goal of shaping mobility services according to the wishes of road users and strengthening environmentally friendly forms of transport. A separate traffic concept is being developed for the specific planning at Nordkopf.

    • North head traffic concept

      The traffic concept is a concretizing spatial planning of the mobility strategy. Parallel development with the urban development concept allows for a reaction to each other.

    • PSPL study and follow-up

      As part of Lower Saxony's immediate action program "Perspektive Innenstadt!", the PSPL study entitled "Public life in Wolfsburg city centre - analysis and recommendation for Porschestraße" and a follow-up study based on it were carried out in collaboration with Gehl Architects Copenhagen in 2021/2022. The study aimed to analyze public spaces in order to derive improvements. In the follow-up study, pilot projects were set up in public spaces and their impact was examined.

    • City center development concept

      As part of the city center process, a three-part concept for the long-term development of Wolfsburg's city center is being created. Building on and accompanied by a public dialog and supported by funding from the Lower Saxony immediate action program "Perspektive Innenstadt!", a compass with future-affirming perspectives, a direction book as a recommendation for action and control and a roadmap that defines central projects and initial steps for the next two years are being created.

    • Compass city center

      In September 2023, the Wolfsburg City Council adopted the City Center Compass, which was created jointly with Urbanista GmbH & Co. KG, as a vision for Wolfsburg's city center. The approach of the compass is to counter structural change in cities with a jointly supported vision. This vision is to become the strategic basis for further planning and serve as a guide for the city administration, property owners and all other inner-city stakeholders.

    • Resilient inner cities funding programs

      With the help of the European funding program Resilient City Centres, Wolfsburg can implement projects to upgrade the city centre until 2027. Applications for funding can be submitted by private and public stakeholders. An independent committee decides on the allocation of the funding, which amounts to 10.5 million euros with a 60 percent own contribution. Current projects include the redesign of Rathausplatz, the redesign of Kleistpark and traffic planning for Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. Further projects are in the pipeline.

    • North Head urban development concept

      The urban development concept brings together the findings from the previous participation processes and concepts in the third dimension in order to create a basis for the further structural development of the Nordkopf.

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