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City center development concept

Blaue Schmuckgrafik

As part of the city center process, a three-part concept for the long-term development of Wolfsburg's city center is being created. Building on and accompanied by a public dialog and supported by funding, a 1) compass with future-affirming perspectives, a 2) direction book as a recommendation for action and control and a 3) roadmap, which defines central projects and initial steps for the next two years, are being created.

Grafik mit den Begriffen Kompass, Regiebuch und Roadmap

To download the three sub-concepts, please click on the respective symbol

Zum Kompass Innenstadt (PDF - öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster) Zum Regiebuch Innenstadt (PDF - öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster) Zur Roadmap Innenstadt (PDF - öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster)

The process is being initiated by the city of Wolfsburg under the leadership of Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH (WMG). The urbanista office from Hamburg was commissioned with the implementation and development of the process.

Jewelry graphics Urbanista
Source: urbanista
  • Objectives and background

    The aim is to create the basis for the long-term development of Wolfsburg's city center. Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, negative developments in city centers are continuing and contributing to the fact that Wolfsburg's city center is also suffering a loss of function, is perceived less and less as a frequented and attractive meeting place and there is an acute need for action. Against the background of the fundamental decision on the Nordhoffachse master plan, the Wolfsburg City Council therefore decided in spring 2021 to redraw up the Porschestraße master plan.
    The development of the inner city development concept was largely implemented as part of the immediate action program "Perspektive Innenstadt!". With this funding program, the state of Lower Saxony is supporting cities and municipalities, financed by REACT-EU funds as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in dealing with the consequences of the pandemic in city centres.

    The development of the inner city development concept formed the conceptual framework for all sub-projects that were initiated and implemented as part of the funding program. The external process management for the inner city development concept, which was commissioned with funds from the funding program, ensures the monitoring, control and creation of the inner city development concept. In autumn 2021, the planning and consulting firm urbanista from Hamburg, a company with experience in the field of urban development and city center development in particular, was hired for this purpose.

    The funding logo of the European Union and Perspektive Innenstadt
  • Process at a glance

    The development process for the overall concept is divided into three phases:

    1. city center check:
    In the first phase, Wolfsburg's city center was put under the microscope. The analysis grid was based on the five pillars of the city center promise (living | work | retail & supply | education, participation & representation | experience, culture & community).
    Taking into account global trends, social developments and local experts and committees, provocative theses and tasks for the city centre were defined and summarized in the city check. They formed the internal springboard for the development of initial approaches for changes, future perspectives and participation content.

    2. inner city compass
    A positive vision, concrete goals and tasks for Wolfsburg's city center were formulated with the involvement of urban society, city center stakeholders and committees - a compass for the development of the city center.

    3. director's book and roadmap
    In the third phase, the "City Center Compass" is translated into project impulses and medium-term recommendations for action and management to consolidate the targeted development of the city center. The roadmap defines central projects and suitable first steps for the next two years.

    Only the first step
    The city center development concept lays the foundation for long-term development. Implementing the goals, tasks and projects requires staying power.

    A detailed description of the process and the documentation of the results of the individual phases and participations can be found at:

  • Participation formats

    During the development of the inner city development concept and all projects carried out as part of the immediate action program "Perspektive Innenstadt!", citizens and stakeholders of the inner city had and still have the opportunity to actively participate in the process of developing Wolfsburg's inner city in various formats. After all, their ideas, visions and thoughts are an important basis for an attractive and vibrant city center.

    The city center conference in particular marked the public launch of the process. On 18.06.2022, citizens were able to discuss initial future prospects for the city center at various themed stations in Porschestraße. In addition, there was online participation and so-called participation kits, which made it possible to work in small groups.

    Graphic illustration of the connection between participation kits, inner city conference and online participation
    Source: urbanista

    Stakeholders in the city center were also actively involved in the process with the launch of the city center dialogue and the first owners' meetings. These two formats will be further consolidated in the context of city center development.

    People inform themselves at a stand
    Source: urbanista

    Further information on the participations carried out as part of the preparation of the development concept and its documentation can be found at:

  • Press releases

    Compass city center

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Josephine Stein

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