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Groundwater abstractions

On this page you will find information on the various forms of groundwater abstraction, each with explanations, the necessary application forms and contact persons at the Lower Water Authority:
  • Groundwater lowering

    Permission requirement and exceptions

    Groundwater lowering or groundwater retention required as part of construction measures are water uses that generally require a permit.

    As an exception, groundwater lowering for smaller construction measures, such as for the installation of a shaft or for the excavation of a building, can be assessed as permit-free if a withdrawal of approximately 10 cubic meters per day (m³/d) is not exceeded and these are only operated for a "short" period of time. Such groundwater drawdowns must also be reported to the water authority in writing with the relevant documentation. The water authority then decides whether the measure does not require a permit or whether a permit under water law is required.


    As a rule, the required water law permit must be applied for at the lower water authority approximately four weeks before the start of the measure.


    Upon request, they will receive the necessary forms and requirements for the application.
    Please send an e-mail to wasserbehoerde@stadt.wolfsburg.de.

    The state of Lower Saxony charges a water withdrawal fee (WEG) for the withdrawal.


    Lower water authority
    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg
    Room 431
    Telephone: 05361 28-1875
    E-mail: wasserbehoerde@stadt.wolfsburg.de

  • Field irrigation

    Withdrawal of groundwater for agricultural irrigation requires a permit under water law. The application documents must contain, among other things:Beregnung eines Feldes (Harry Hautumm/pixelio.de)

    • a determination of the irrigation demand (demand forecast) and, if necessary
    • a hydrogeological report on the availability of groundwater.

    The state of Lower Saxony charges a water withdrawal fee (WEG) for the withdrawal. Information on this and forms can be found on the page of the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection.


    Lower Water Authority
    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Contact person:

    Fabian Delert
    Phone: 05361 28-2752

  • Fountain (garden irrigation / fire water well)

    The extraction of groundwater for garden irrigation on residential properties is generally not subject to a permit, but requires notification. The examination of the notification is subject to a fee.


    The drilling of a well must be reported to the water authority at least four weeks before drilling begins.


    The drilling must be reported online to the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG).

    Exceptions exist in water protection areas where a special permit is required or the well drilling and groundwater extraction are generally not permitted. Information on this can be obtained from the staff of the water authority.

    Wells for the extraction of extinguishing water or for other purposes require a permit from the water authority.


    Lower Water Authority
    Porschestrasse 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Contact person:

    Fabian Delert
    Phone: 05361 28-2752
    Email: fabian.delert@stadt.wolfsburg.de

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