Start-up ecosystem
Pre-formation phase - what is it?
In this phase, the personal and professional development of those interested in founding a company is of crucial importance and should be promoted through low-threshold offers. It is important to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit and train prospective entrepreneurs.
Successful self-employment requires the ability to think entrepreneurially. In addition to basic business knowledge, it is particularly important to promote creativity and self-organization as well as analytical and problem-solving skills. The contact partners for such training programs are usually schools, universities, other educational institutions and other partners.
At least as important is the informal exchange with like-minded people. Different event formats can be used to build networks between people interested in starting up a business and with supporting institutions. Ideally, there should be a start-up center as a central point of contact to which prospective founders can turn for information on current specialist lectures, workshops or seminars.
Our offers
Preparation of business plans
Every start-up begins with a business idea and the creation of a business plan. Already in this early phase, the consulting unit "Business Models and Market Research" supports with its more than 20 years of expertise in the areas of start-up, business modeling and innovation management. Together with the start-ups and founders, the team specifies the business model as well as the strategic and economic goals and prepares a financial plan.
Contact details
Business plan consulting
Arndt Zeitzschel
Wolfsburg AG | Innovation Development & Business Models
Major-Hirst-Strasse 11
38442 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 897-4567
E-mail to Arndt Zeitzschel
Initial consultation and start-up information package
You can find out everything you need to know about setting up your own business at the IHK. From the business plan to the right network - the IHK is there to help you with the initial consultation right from the first step.
The IHK start-up information package contains documents on various aspects of setting up a business, so that you can plan and calculate your project even better. Because good preparation with a detailed concept is the foundation of your company.
Contact detailsInitial consultation
IHK Service Center Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361/29540
E-mail to the IHK Wolfsburg
To the offer
Start-up info package
IHK Service-Center Lüneburg
Phone: 04131/742-0
E-Mail to the IHK Lüneburg
To the founder info package -
Network and administrative contacts
The WMG supports you in building up your personal network, because with a functioning, well-maintained network you will find exactly the support you need.
In order to network in a targeted and efficient manner, every business founder should ask themselves two questions at the beginning:
What are the right networks for me?How do I establish and maintain contacts within the networks so that they are helpful for my company?
The WMG also provides you with individual and "translated" support for all administrative issues. Whether at the building authority, trade office, tax office, IHK or HWK - we speak the language of both business and administration, find the right contacts and want to implement your plans in the best possible way. WMG will be happy to advise you.Contact details
Nadine Wolters
Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH
Telephone: 05361 89994-28
E-mail to Nadine Wolters
To the offer -
Educational opportunities in the university context
If you are a student, doctoral student or research assistant at the TU Braunschweig and the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, the EntrepreneurshipHub is the right place for you. Here you will find various teaching, learning and research opportunities that cover almost all aspects of founding innovative and technology-based companies. You can access the study modules via your university portal (currently all offers are online).
Contact details
Matthias Liedtke
TU Braunschweig
Rebenring 33, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
E-mail to Matthias Liedtke
To the offer -
Calendar of events
In our event calendar you will find in the future workshops, seminars and events around the topic of founding and start-ups in Wolfsburg and the surrounding area.
Under Corona conditions, it is of course very difficult to hold physical events. However, we are working hard to provide you with digital start-up events as well.
Stay tuned and check our event calendar again soon! -
Founders Gold Network
On the Gründergold homepage you will find videos of exciting founders from the region, contact persons, event tips and interesting facts about financing topics.
The Gründergold team is looking forward to an exchange with you! Whether digitally on the Facebook fan page Gründergold or analog. PS: Do you already know the event series Spätschicht? An ideal after-work networking format for young entrepreneurs and founders at original locations...stay tuned!
Contact detailsMeike Förster
IHK Lüneburg Wolfsburg
Telephone: 05361- 2954-20
E-Mail to Meike Förster