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Past exhibitions of the municipal gallery

  • Nic Hess "Suppliers under pressure

    Room collage in the south wing

    Photo: Nic Hess "Suppliers under pressure" 2016 (detail view) © Nic Hess, Photo: Ali Altschaffel

    Since the late 1990s, Nic Hess (*1968 in Zurich, lives and works in Zurich and Los Angeles) has been using industrial paint, collaged images and colored tapes, light projections and neon to take mental and factual possession not only of walls and ceilings, but of entire rooms. In 2013, Nic Hess realized a comprehensive and expansive installation at the Kunst-Station in the main train station.

    Nic Hess designed a spatial collage for the hallway in the south wing of the Städtische Galerie, based on an archive of hundreds of transparencies with the most diverse commercial logos, pictograms, images of masterpieces of art history, as well as political as well as economic icons. He transforms them into a new context, accessing stored images in the collective memory.

  • "Panama" room installation

    September 29, 2015 to March 27, 2016

    For the exhibition celebrating the 10th anniversary of the KUNST-STATION, the artist Schirin Kretschmann (*1980 in Karlsruhe, lives and works in Berlin) had developed a painterly-installative spatial work that bathes the waiting area in the station concourse in a warm, golden-yellow light that evokes in us elementary physical experiences, at the same time opening up a wide field of individual associations and possibly also awakening in us certain longings for travel to exotic destinations.

    Through the use of a very specific color tone, which unfolds in an elaborate, multi-stage process of spackling, sanding and paint application on a high-gloss surface, a unique interweaving of the everyday world, technical production, artistic creation and the architecture of Wolfsburg Central Station took place.

    Deliberate recesses within this spatial work documented different material states of the working process, revealing not only the genesis of this temporary work of art. The surfaces defined by Schirin Kretschmann on site referred in a subtle way to the now 10-year history of this art station and the genesis of the Wolfsburg train station, as a place of lingering, departure and transit.

    An exhibition in cooperation with Deutsche Bahn and Neuland Wohnungsgesellschaft.


    "RE_VISION" marked a turning point for the Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg after more than 40 years of a program of exhibitions, publications, events, and collection activities at Wolfsburg Castle, and was intended to provide an opportunity for a critical examination of the past while also opening up the chance to re-explore the museum's current possibilities.

    Throughout the project, practical and theoretical questions of museum work in the current social, artistic, economic, and cultural-political situation were discussed and addressed. The term "RE_VISION" thereby clarified the museum's intention in two respects: it wanted to turn less to showing art and more to questions about art, to confront and review the rules of the art system.

  • KONSORTIUM "Do not exhibit" group exhibition
    Photo: KONSORTIUM "Tryptichon" 2013, various techniques on canvas, 125 100 cm each, exhibition view: "Golden Dream Construction" The House of Arts, České Budějovice © KONSORTIUM

    April 23, 2015 - July 16, 2015

    At the Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg, the artist collective KONSORTIUM re-staged and re-interpreted a radical art historical action. The Museum of Contemporary Art presented the documentation and results of this artistic re-action within its current exhibition program RE_VISION at Wolfsburg Castle until July 16, 2016.

    The group of artists used the group BMPT (Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Torini), founded by Daniel Buren in 1966, as a historical reference. In 1967, the group carried out four actions in Paris in which they demonstrated their radical rejection of the established art establishment.

    The exhibition was in dialogue with the presentation of the spatial installation "N'EXPOSENT PAS!", which was realized by the artist group in the Kunst-Station at Wolfsburg Central Station.

  • Presentation scholarship "Abdruck" in the project space: Hanna Nitsch "BE PATIENT! VOL. 1"
    Carsten fock "sendere a terra" exhibition views Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg © Carsten Fock, photos. Janina Snatzke
    Photo: Carsten fock "sendere a terra" Exhibition views Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg © Carsten Fock, Photos. Janina Snatzke

    April 14 - June 28, 2015

    The exhibition presented print works by Hanna Nitsch (*1974 in Freiburg) for the first time. This series of works was created in the museum's print workshop and in cooperation with the Braunschweig Foundation, which awards the annual "Abdruck" workshop scholarship.

    In the prints created in Wolfsburg, the artist combined different principles of representation from the sciences (e.g. X-ray images, fingerprints) for the identification of individual identity with subject-constituting narrative forms or juxtaposed them with one another. In doing so, she illuminated both the media-specific mechanisms of visual meaning production and the double aspect of the image as a subject-constituting and at the same time knowledge-constituting phenomenon.

    The graphic works were presented in combination with other series of works such as video projections, ceramics and photographs by Hanna Nitsch.

  • Carsten Fock "La creazione degli animali after Tintoretto!"
    Carsten Fock, Gallery Jochen Hempel, Berlin

    May 9 - December 27, 2015

    Carsten Fock's central medium is painting, whose technical possibilities he constantly explores...

    © Luca Vanello, Mastul Gallery, Berlin

    21.10.2014 - 31.01.2015

    The exhibition "CASTLE DIS-PLAY" stimulated with diverse artistic works an examination of the mechanisms of the presentation of art in exhibitions and the relationship to the given exhibition site...

  • HP Zimmer - works on paper, paintings and sculptures

    29.11.2014 - 29.03.2015

    HP Zimmer (1936 to 1992) lived in Braunschweig and was a professor there at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste from 1982 until his early death in 1992. The extraordinary work of HP Zimmer has rarely been shown since the early 1990s - and if so, then mostly in connection with the group SPUR...

  • Maximilian Thiel - MAUSOLEUM II Petrograffiti

    The artist realized two monumental wall cuts in the art station in the main station Wolfsburg. Together with Benjamin Badock's exhibition POTENZIERUNG DES BILDES the exhibition was opened on 17.07.2014...

  • Rose Wylie - Pink Girls, Yellow Curls paintings and drawings

    14.10.2014 - 01.02.2015

    The central starting point for Rose Wylie's works are her personal memories and experiences, combined with moment impressions from films...

  • The City - Bettina Pousttchi

    Bettina Pousttchi is "The City" art award winner of the city of Wolfsburg "Young City sees Young Art" 2014...

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