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Politics & Administration

Your start as a (deputy) manager

As a manager, you are responsible for ensuring that the children in your facility can develop and flourish in the best possible way.

Working in tandem between the manager and deputy manager, you will be responsible for designing and implementing the educational concept as well as the organizational, personnel and financial management of your facility.

A strong network meets plenty of creative freedom

All our facilities work hand in hand as municipal KiTas in Wolfsburg. This means that they all operate according to the same pedagogical principles and pursue a common mission.

But regular exchanges at management level, joint retreats and projects also provide security and inspiration in our day-to-day work. Especially in challenging situations, you can rely on the provider and your management colleagues to back you up.

At the same time, each facility has its own in-house focus and is independent in shaping its day-to-day educational work.

You can find an overview of our facilities and their respective focus areas here.

Growing and maturing together

Because managing a childcare center places high demands on the management team, you will receive the best possible support for your work with us: we will support you with our own further training program, coaching and supervision, as well as through individual offers from our support team. In this way, we give you the space and guidance you need to continuously develop professionally and personally as a manager.

  • You will fit in with us if you...

    ...are a state-recognized social pedagogue, social worker, childhood educator or remedial teacher

    ...have skills and experience in managing or coordinating employees and are familiar with team development processes and competence-oriented personnel development

    ...are enthusiastic about working in a daycare center according to the EE approach, including open work and, ideally, are already an Early Excellence consultant

    ...an appreciative approach to diversity is a matter of course for you, as is a resource-oriented view of the potential of children, families and employees

    ...you are familiar with methods and techniques of business organization and have basic administrative skills, including PC and office work

  • This is how you can apply:

    You can find vacant management positions on the city of Wolfsburg's job portal.

    What happens after your application?
    We have summarized all the information about the application process for you here.

  • Not convinced yet?

    • Find out more about the benefits of a job at the city's daycare centers here
    • Convince yourself here of our pedagogical concept as the basis of our work
    • Find the right facility for you here

  • Any questions?

    Contact us to clarify any questions:

    Nicole Donath
    Personnel recruitment and development for municipal daycare centers

    Tel: 49 5361 28-5167
    Mobile: 0160 95553573
    nicole.d onath@stadt.wolfsburg.de

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